Want to make online research easier for students and teachers? Enrich learning and instruction by adding to your school's eBook library. Gale eBooks offers digital nonfiction content delivered through a user-friendly platform. Whether they’re elementary school eBooks (now accessible in Gale In Context: Elementary), junior high books, or school eBooks for other grade levels, you’ll find titles designed to meet your districts’ goals like ​​​​​​​recovering unfinished learning, supporting social and emotional learning, offering diverse and inclusive views, and more. Plus, these school eBooks offer unlimited, simultaneous access anytime and the opportunity for students to enhance their reading skills—with no special downloads or apps.

Beyond primary or K-12 eBooks, you can explore content within our latest professional development collections from ​​​​​​​publishers. Find collections on specific initiatives and popular trends in education, too.

In addition to being good for the well-being of your community, Gale eBooks collections are good for the health of your school budget. Not only can you maximize investment from the​​​​​​​ American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, but you own the titles after you purchase them, and can add titles as they become available to meet the evolving needs of your students and educators. Expand your collection of classroom books with Gale eBooks, adding K12 books—including junior high books and high school books—in an accessible platform.

The Latest in eBooks

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The Gale eBooks homepage allows users to either browse by subject or search the full catalog.

The search results reveal relevant content at the article and chapter levels for ease of finding information.

The HTML article-view provides an easy browsing experience.

Integrated directly into the user’s workflow formatted citations can be exported to a variety of services and platforms.

Platform Tools & Features

Workflow Tools

Google Workspace for Education and Microsoft Office 365 tools enable users to share, save, and download content—including highlights and notes. Learn More

On-demand Translation

Content can be translated into 40 languages, while the platform itself can be translated into more than 30 languages. ReadSpeaker text-to-speech technology allows audio files to be downloaded and saved onto any mobile device and read aloud in nearly 25 languages. 

Superior Search

Detailed subject indexing allows users to search content based on subject, title, document type, and more.