Explore national and global events of the early twentieth century through coverage by the AP's Washington D.C. Bureau.
The Washington, DC Bureau: Part II covers the presidencies of Wilson, Harding, and Coolidge with stunning depth, providing an unbroken chronology of global and national events as reported by the AP from 1915 to 1930. This previously unavailable wire copy covers the press conferences, travel, speeches, campaigns, and related activities of the presidents and other key figures; it is also the only AP collection to include significant reporting on World War I. Other key topics of interest include the Armenian massacre in Turkey, the Rockefeller Foundation activities against typhus and cholera in Serbia, the Mexican Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Tokyo Earthquake, and Black Thursday on Wall Street.
The database will be of immense value to students and scholarly or professional investigators in the fast-changing field of journalism; historical researchers will also find it a tremendous resource.
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Detalhes adicionais
areas temáticas
- Colonialism
- East European & Russian Studies
- Gender & Women's Studies
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Journalism
- Latina / Latin America / Caribbean Studies
- U.S. History
Advisory Board
The Associated Press Collections Online advisory board consists of scholars in the disciplines of Journalism, History, and English. Additional ad hoc advisory groups were formed with scholars from disciplines such as Advertising and Public Relations, Communications, Sociology, and Political Science. Board members and advisory groups helped shape the collections, and advised on product features, design, and user experience.
Funções e ferramentas da plataforma
Term Frequency
It allows researchers to see the frequency of search terms within content sets to identify central themes and assess how people, places, events and ideas interact and develop over time.
Buscador de temas
Esta herramienta agrupa los temas más comunes y revela conexiones ocultas entre los términos de búsqueda, lo que ayuda a dar forma a la investigación integrando contenidos diversos con información relevante.
Búsquedas simultáneas
Busca al mismo tiempo dentro de los productos complementarios de fuentes primarias, incluidos los ebooks, a través de un entorno de búsqueda unificado que posibilita nuevas e innovadoras conexiones de investigación.