For more than 170 years, the Associated Press (AP) has delivered the news when and where it occurs. Together, the AP and Gale are making previously unseen news copy and footage available to tell the stories of our past in vivid detail.
This unique collection provides an intimate look into the lives and works of more than one thousand authors and delivers insights into the culture and context surrounding centuries of British literary achievement.
Containing close to 90 years of high-level analysis and research on global events and issues from a leader in policy research.
The Making of the Modern World is invaluable for an understanding of the competition for empire and the projection of European power from 1500 to the early twentieth century. Explore the historical underpinnings integral to the study of economics and European imperialism.
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Early learning begins now. Designed for children ages 3 to 6, Miss Humblebee’s Academy is an easy-to-use, interactive online solution for kindergarten readiness. It offers hundreds of lessons spanning all major academic subjects, gives weekly progress reports, and is the only product that provides assessments to measure proficiency and learning.
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Gale's research resources include unique online databases, library primary sources, newspaper digital archives, eBooks, courses and large print books.
Gale provides useful resources for antiques. Click to explore publications.
Gale offers libraries and schools powerful solutions for electronic resource management, LMS integration, library authentication, discovery services, and more.
Gale Primary Source Learning Centers help students develop research skills and understand the content of primary source archives. Click to read more.
Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library supports comparative approaches to the study of the Middle East and the Muslim world and inspires original research on Islamic religion, history, language, literature, and science. It is an essential resource for every major library needing Arabic primary source material for research, teaching, and learning.
Explora las colecciones definitivas de materiales de fuentes primarias jurídicas globales de tres siglos de historia.
State Papers Online, 1509-1714, published in four seamless parts, offers researchers a groundbreaking online resource for understanding two hundred years of British and European history, from the reign of Henry VIII to the end of the reign of Queen Anne. The largest digital manuscript archive of its kind, State Papers Online, 1509-1714 gathers together sixteenth- and seventeenth-century British State Papers and links these rare historical manuscripts to their fully text-searchable calendars.
State Papers Online: Eighteenth Century, 1714-1782 gives researchers and students unprecedented access to British government records during the Age of Enlightenment.
Gale brings together the story of the health system in the United States with a database of relevant literature. Explore Gale's Public Health Archives.
Access a broad historical record that spans two world wars with Gale's declassified UK government documents database from 5 British intelligence agencies.
The Women’s Studies Archive is an examination of the social, political, and professional aspects of women’s lives and offers us a look at the roles, experiences, and achievements of women in society.
La Biblioteca Oliveira Lima, que originalmente fue la biblioteca personal del diplomático, historiador y periodista brasileño Manoel de Oliveira Lima, está considerada desde hace tiempo como una de las mejores colecciones de material luso-brasileño disponible para los académicos. Ahora, estudiantes, educadores e investigadores pueden acceder a ella para profundizar en la historia y la cultura brasileñas y portuguesas de los siglos XVI al XX.