History in a whole new light. Since its inception in 2009 the Archives Unbound program has published more than 230 titles. The roots of the program are in microfilm, and the collection makes available targeted collections of interest to scholars engaged in serious research.
No other resource gives you more insights from more perspectives. Gale Primary Sources allow you to discover original, firsthand content — meticulously cross-referenced to bring facts into focus and information to life in remarkable new ways.
This collection from the American Antiquarian Society features 18th and 19th century North American periodicals and magazines. Click to learn more.
Offer your users an award-winning, hassle-free eBook experience—anytime, anywhere, and on any device. GVRL, Gale’s eBook platform, provides comprehensive support from many of today’s top publishers.
Make an impact with virtual lessons. Produce real outcomes and improve lives with innovative self-paced, curriculum-aligned and instructor-led online learning solutions.
More than 365 engaging, online, instructor-led courses focused on professional development, technology skills, and personal enrichment.
Archives of Sexuality & Gender, the largest collection available in support of the study of gender and sexuality, enables scholars to make new connections in LGBTQ history and activism, cultural studies, psychology, health, political science, policy studies, and other related areas of research.
Sources in U.S. History Online is a thematically-organized collection providing information surrounding important individuals, influential perspectives, religions, political operations, and warfare from the eras that have shaped the United States.
Engage with our groundbreaking research environment that integrates all your Gale Primary Sources content to enable innovative research - help researchers find their starting point, search across materials and points in time, and examine information in new ways.
A digitized archive supporting of the study of unorthodox (by contemporary standards), fringe groups from both the right and left of the political spectrum
New digital humanities technology from Gale has fostered scholarship through the use of natural language processing for historical texts. Click to learn more.
Our reps offer billing, account, web-related support and more. Click to submit a form to contact your sales rep and get a response in less than 24 hours.
Gale's academic databases provide access to scholarly journals and articles, as well as primary sources. Click to explore our research and education databases.
Gale OneFile proporciona lo que los investigadores del siglo XXI esperan: acceso instantáneo a contenidos completos y actualizados. Pon las principales revistas y fuentes de referencia del mundo al alcance de tus usuarios, con funciones intuitivas y herramientas de búsqueda únicas que facilitan el descubrimiento.
Connect Your Library to the Lab. Dive deep into science concepts with Gale Interactive, a visual tool that helps instructors teach complex topics in biology, chemistry, human anatomy, and earth/space science. Interactive tools allow users to zoom, rotate, and explore 3D models to engage with science beyond static text.
It’s important that today’s researchers access complete, credible, and up-to-date content. From student favorites like Gale’s In Context suite to our flagship InfoTrac databases, we offer dozens of powerful research platforms to put vetted sources right at your users’ fingertips.
Información actual, fidedigna y repleta de contenidos multimedia: la encontrará en los recursos para estudiantes de Gale In Context, que satisfacen las necesidades de los alumnos de hoy gracias a su diseño fácil de usar y compatible con dispositivos móviles.
Gale In Context: For Educators now features a Learning Center to help educators self-teach virtual lesson planning and online teaching skills. Click to read.