Priced Out: The Economic and Ethical Costs of American Health Care
Jewish Emancipation: A History Across Five Centuries
The U.S. Military and Civil Rights Since World War II
The Global Bourgeoisie: The Rise of the Middle Classes in the Age of Empire
Martyrs and Tricksters: An Ethnography of the Egyptian Revolution
How Technology Is Changing Human Behavior: Issues and Benefits
Paul's Theology in Context: Creation, Incarnation, Covenant, and Kingdom
Reimagining the Analogia Entis: The Future of Erich Przywara's Christian Vision
Writing Dylan: The Songs of a Lonesome Traveler
The Diversity Bonus: How Great Teams Pay Off in the Knowledge Economy
The World Philosophy Made: From Plato to the Digital Age
Economics in Two Lessons: Why Markets Work So Well, and Why They Can Fail So Badly
America's Gun Wars: A Cultural History of Gun Control in the United States
They Took the Kids Last Night: How the Child Protection System Puts Families at Risk
Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech
Overwhelmed: Literature, Aesthetics, and the Nineteenth-Century Information Revolution
The Outsiders: Refugees in Europe since 1492
Four Ministries, One Jesus: Exploring Your Vocation with the Four Gospels