Opponents in American History: Suffragists and Those Who Opposed Them
Freedom's Promise: Carol Moseley Braun: Politician and Leader
Freedom's Promise: Harriet Robinson Scott: From the Frontier to Freedom
Notable American Women Writers
Daily Life of Women in the Progressive Era
Women and Society: Objectification of Women in the Media
Hollywood Heroines: The Most Influential Women in Film History
Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions: Faith and Culture across History
Women and Society: Women and the Family
Women and Violence: Global Lives in Focus
Women and Society: Women in the Workplace
Race and Sports: Gender and Race in Sports
Women and Society: Women and Feminism Today
Women and Society: Violence Against Women
Women and Society: Women and Sports
Freedom's Promise: Hidden Heroes: The Human Computers of NASA
In the Headlines: #MeToo: Women Speak Out Against Sexual Assault
Being Female in America: Sexism in the Media