One Nation for All: Immigrants in the United States: Life as a Nigerian American
Changing Families: Foster Families
Changing Families: Single-Parent Families
Active Citizenship Today: Supporting Groups That Fight for Fairness and Equality
Human Rights in Focus: Illegal Immigrants
One Nation for All: Immigrants in the United States: Life as a Somali American
Growing Up Around the World: Growing Up in Brazil
Hip-Hop Insider: The Women of Hip-Hop
Hot Topics: Racism in America: A Long History of Hate
Crossing the Border: Immigrants of Extraordinary Ability
Spotlight On Civic Action: The Importance of Jury Service
Native American Cultures: Native American Ceremonies and Celebrations: From Potlatches to Powwows
The Push for Social Change: The Civil Rights Movement
Native American Warfare: Warriors of the West Coast, Plateau, and Basin Tribes
Lucent Library of Black History: African American Inventors: Overcoming Challenges to Change America
The Black Lives Matter Movement
Coping: Coping with Hate and Intolerance
What Does a Citizen Do?: What Does a Protester Do?
American Values and Freedoms: The Right to Protest