The Henriques Archive consists of the papers of Lady Rose Henriques who was head of the German Department of the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad (JCRA). The objective of the JCRA was to organize the Jewish Relief Unit (JRU) as its operational body for service in post-war Europe. The JRU worked to help those who had been in concentration camps (known as Displaced Persons or DPs) and was most active in Bergen Belsen, which became the central Jewish Displaced Person's camp in the British Zone of Occupation.
The Henriques Archive has not been previously filmed. There are approximately 48,000 documents, plus 6 photograph albums on Displaced Persons and JRU work in Germany, Austria, U.K., Greece and Italy.
The archive includes coverage of the following areas:
Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad/Jewish Relief Unit (JRU): how it started, organization, aims
Jews in Germany: general; camps/children's homes/holiday centers; 'adoption' of camps/homes; exodus camps for refugees refused entry into Palestine; communities (lists of members and information on property, synagogues, religion, supplies)
Legal: special legal problems (including compulsory Jewish first names, marriage, divorce, money, documents, citizenship)
Legal: crimes and offences (including war crimes, Bremen Murder Trial, Riga Trial, anti-Semitism in post-war Germany, crime committed by Jews, welfare work among Jewish prison inmates)
Emigration/Aliyah: rules, schemes, forms; emigration to Palestine, U.K., United States, Scandinavia, Dominions--South Africa, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; work permits, specimen cases, repatriation
Statistics: census, population movements before and under Nazis
Religious affairs
JRU administrative files
Zionism: political conflicts with British authorities
Series Three: The Henriques Archive: 64 reels