President Kennedy took office in a time of rising international tension. The struggle of hundreds of new nations to break from their colonial past and establish modern institutions set loose chaos across much of the globe. The rhetoric and actions of the Soviet leadership suggested a new Communist boldness, even recklessness, and a determination to exploit the prevailing instability. The development of new weapons systems added an especially frightful dimension. Kennedy assumed power certain that the survival of the United States depended upon its ability to defend "free" institutions.
These National Security File collections provide insights into President Kennedy's views on foreign affairs, U.S. leadership of the "West," and various worldwide crises. These files highlight American efforts to support Third World countries, balance of payments and foreign trade, Alliance for Progress and relations with Latin America, nuclear weapons and testing, NATO and the Multilateral Force in Europe, Southeast Asia and regional security, foreign aid and military assistance, and the international space race.
Reel counts:
Section 1: Subject File: 19 reels
Section 2: Regional Security File: 17 reels
Section 3: Departments and Agencies: 27 reels