Timeline PDF
Events in Europe in the aftermath of World War II set within key world events 1945-1950. Events covered by material in the archive are given in blue.
The below essays are provided to introduce users to the material available in this archive, and to explain its importance to the study of the history of post-war Europe. Each essay contains links that take you straight to the document being referenced (provided your institution has access to this material).
Introduction PDF
Professor Dan Stone, Royal Holloway College, University of London
Professor Stone's introduction outlines the contents of the documents and their important for researchers of both the War and the post-war rehabilitation years, as well as the contributions made by the essayists. World War II saw over 40 million deaths, half of which were civilians, but close to 90 million people were killed or displaced between 1938 and 1948. Displaced Persons (DPs) did not only include victims of the war, but those who refused to return home, including Poles and Soviet nationals. The situations was so dire that temporary DP camps became long-term homes and even developed into communities and villages. The files represent a remarkable collection, permitting research on topics such as the Allies policies towards DPs, the development of the United Nations, illegal immigration to Palestine and the British response to it and the development and administration of the DP camps themselves.
The Henrique Archive PDF
Ben Barkow, Director of the Wiener Library
Ben Barkow outlines the life of Rose Henriques, her role in the Jewish Relief Organisations, and the contents and importance of her Archive. The Archive includes papers of the Jewish Committee and Jewish Relief Units, which are important sources for research on Jewish survivors, particularly those housed in the Displaced Persons camps including Bergen-Belsen.
Displaced Persons and the Desire for a Jewish National Homeland PDF
Dr Michael Brenner, Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich
The political lobby for a Jewish homeland in Palestine was greatly assisted by the demand and campaigning of the Jewish Displaced Persons housed in the DP camps at the end of World War II, in particular those at Bergen-Belsen. Dr Brenner discusses how circumstances connected the interests of the Zionists and the Jewish survivors and refugees.
The Politics of Displaced Persons in Post-War Europe, 1945-1950 PDF
Professor Arieh Kochavi, University of Haifa
Professor Kochavi discusses political problems generated by the huge number of Displaced Persons in need of assistance at the end of World War II. These include the demands on the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration and the pressure put on the British Government to permit emigration of the Jewish DPs to Palestine.
Preparing for a new World Order: UNRRA and the International Management of Refugees PDF
Dr Jessica Reinisch, Birkbeck College, University of London
Dr Reinisch relates the history of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, how it was organised, its role in the administration of the Displaced Person camps and repatriation programmes for DPs.
A Continual Source of Trouble, The Displaced Persons Camp Bergen-Beisen (Hohne), 1945-1950 PDF
Dr Rainer Schulze, University of Essex
Dr Schulze's essay looks at the history of Bergen-Belsen (Hohne) DP camp and discusses the unexpectedly tense relationship between the authorities who were trying to aid and relocate the refugees, and the aims and objectives of the refugees themselves. The struggle enacted at Belsen in the post-war years had far-reaching consequences for the history of the Middle East and beyond.
Displaced Persons, 1945-1950: The social and culture perspective PDF
Dr Angelika Königseder and Dr Juliane Wetzel, Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Berlin
This essay looks particularly at the social organisation of the Displaced Person camps and the cultural activities organised by the DPs themselves, both Jewish and non-Jewish. It draws on evidence from personal testimonies as well as more official documents and histories.
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Key Documents
Links directly into the product are accessible by clicking the document reference number or the PDF.
The Administration of Displaced Persons
The Classification of Displaced Persons, October 1944 WO 204/2869, p. 4 / FO 371/57705-0007, p. 1-27
The Irrepatriables of Europe: Abolition of Camp Life by C.E. Heathcote-Smith, October 1945 WO 204/3521, p. 9-19
Proposed Agreement between Soviet Government, the United States and British Commonwealth regarding the Handling of their Respective Prisoners of War, January 1945 WO 204/3521, p. 197-207
United Nations Economic and Social Council: Report of the Special Committee on Refugees and Displaced Persons, 1 June 1946 FO 371/57712, p. 8-244
Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees and Relationship with International Organisations, 9 April 1945 FO 371/51138-0008, pg. 6-26
Report to President Truman by Mr Earl G. Harrison, United States Representative on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, October 1045 1-HA2/3, p. 32-39 / HA6A-3/3, p. 79-84
United Nations Report: A Study on Statelessness, August 1949 FO 371/87401-0006, p. 4-204
United National Relief and Rehabilitation Association (UNRRA) Report on Activities in regard to Facilitating Repatriation, 30 May 1946 FO 371/57711-0012, p. 3-11
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) Planning Directive: Refugees and Displaced Persons (DPs), 3 June 1944 FO 1052/10, p. 3-34
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF): Displaced Persons and Refugees in Germany, 18 November 1944 WO 204/2869, p. 17-42
International Relief Organisation (IRO) Resettlement figures, July 1947-June 1950 FO 371/87402, p. 2-8
The Refugees and Displaced Persons
Report on Psychological problems on Displaced Persons, June 1945 HA5-4/3, p. 1-47
Occupational Classification of Employable Persons Among Certain Nationality Groups of Displaced Persons in Germany FO 371/57714-0022, p. 94-95
Notes of a Visit by Lt. Col. R.B. Longe to Hohne [Bergen-Belsen] Assembly Centre, 15 February 1946 FO 1052/336, p. 73-75
Buchenwald Camp: A Report of a [British] Parliamentary Delegation, April 1945 WO 202/609, p. 31-37
Lists of Displaced Persons [by Nationality] moved under the General Supervision of the UNRRA from Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp to Sweden for Special Care, July 1945 WO 202/609, p. 41-110
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Other selected Post-War Europe resources
Gale is not responsible for external links.
The US Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Wiener Library, London
Forced Migration Online
United Nations High Commission for Refugees
CDMH – Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines, Luxembourg
REMISIS – Reseau d’information sur les migrations internationals et les relations interethniques, Université de Paris 7 Denis Diderot
Compact Memory – Internetarchiv jüdischer Periodika, Aachen, Frankfurt, Köln
Exilpresse digital. Deutsche Exilzeitschriften 1933-1945, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Frankfurt am Main 1933-1945
Museum of Deportation and the Resistance
The Jewish Library: Displaced Persons

© Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS; HU024921; © Bettmann/CORBIS; U1036740INP