Promoting African American Writers: Library Partnerships for Outreach, Programming, and Literacy
Dismantling Global White Privilege: Equity for a Post-Western World
Political Violence in America: Historical Flashpoints and Modern-Day Trends
The Psychology of Inequity: Motivation and Beliefs
The Psychology of Inequity: Global Issues and Perspectives
Listen to Hip-Hop! Exploring a Musical Genre
Reclaiming Your Community: You Don't Have to Move out of Your Neighborhood to Live in a Better One
Critical Insights: The Color Purple
Defining Documents in American History: The Great Migration (1916-1970)
American Civil War: From Slavery to Freedom
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in America: A Reference Handbook
If God Still Breathes, Why Can't I?: Black Lives Matter and Biblical Authority
Booker T. Washington: A Life in American History
Decolonizing Christianity: Becoming Badass Believers