Cause & Effect: Ancient Civilizations: The Ancient Mayans
The Roman Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia
Understanding World Religions: Understanding Hinduism
Cause & Effect: Ancient Civilizations: Ancient China
Cause & Effect: Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Rome
Cause & Effect: Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece
World History: Genghis Khan: Creating the Mongol Empire
World History: The Rise and Fall of the Aztec Empire
Weird, True Facts: Ancient Cultures
The Vikings: Facts and Fictions
African Kingdoms: An Encyclopedia of Empires and Civilizations
Library of Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology
Warriors Around the World: Knights
Warriors Around the World: Vikings
Warriors Around the World: Mongol Warriors
Hidden History: North America's First People
Mystery Hunters: Tombs and Cursed Treasure
A Visual History of the World: A Visual History of the Great Civilizations
Technology of the Ancient World