Protest Movements: Environmental Protests
Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues
Endangered Species: A Reference Handbook
The World's Oceans: Geography, History, and Environment
Environmental Geography: People and the Environment
The Study of Science: Human Evolution
At Issue: Environmental Racism and Classism
Climate Change: An Encyclopedia of Science, Society, and Solutions
Analyzing the Issues: Critical Perspectives on Fossil Fuels vs. Renewable Energy
Humans and Animals: A Geography of Coexistence
Climate Change: Examining the Facts
Encyclopedia of Climate Change
The Economics of Energy: The Pros and Cons of Offshore Drilling
Endangered Species: A Documentary and Reference Guide
Natural Resource Conflicts: From Blood Diamonds to Rainforest Destruction
Defining Documents in American History: Environment & Conservation (1791-2015)
The Economics of Energy: The Pros and Cons of Algae Biofuel