Silenced in the Library: Banned Books in America
Hidden Heroes: The Stonewall Riots: The Fight for LGBT Rights
Special Reports, Set 2: Hate Crimes in America
Transgender Life: Identifying as Transgender
Hot Topics: Gender Identity: The Search for Self
US Supreme Court Landmark Cases: Marriage Equality: Obergefell v. Hodges
An Examination of Black LGBT Populations Across th: Intersections of Race and Sexuality
An Examination of Latinx LGBT Populations Across t: Intersections of Race and Sexuality
Transgender Life: Coming Out as Transgender
Transgender Life: Transgender Rights and Protections
Sex and Gender: A Reference Handbook
The American Middle Class: An Economic Encyclopedia of Progress and Poverty
Teen Mental Health: Teens and Gender Dysphoria
Transgender Life: Health Issues When You're Transgender
An Examination of Asian and Pacific Islander LGBT: Intersections of Race and Sexuality
Special Reports, Set 2: The Gender Wage Gap
People You Should Know: Top 101 Reformers, Revolutionaries, Activists, and Change Agents